
Prime Laravel Form Builder Documentation

  • Created On: 24 August 2021

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free to email via Item Support Page.


Regular License

  • Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

  • Extended License

  • Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
  • Please purchase Extended License if you are going to sell as a service. Envato License Policy

  • Installation

    It comes with prebuilt installer. Follow these steps to step guide on your server.

    Server Requirements

    We are using laravel 9 So these are the minimum server requirements, the installer will check if your server meets these or alternatively you can contact your hosting provider in order to make sure your server meets them.
    • PHP >= 8.1
    • BCMath PHP Extension
    • Ctype PHP Extension
    • Fileinfo PHP extension
    • JSON PHP Extension
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • PDO PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension
    • XML PHP Extension

    Creating a new database

    • Before installing, you will need to create a new database. If you already know how to do this or have already created one, skip to the next step.Please use empty database . In most cases you should be able to create a database from your cpanel.

    • Useful resources
      image image
    • Now you need to create a new user. On the same page go to create a new database user

    • image
    • Now add the user to the database

    • image
    • And select full permissions on the database to that user

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    Uploading Files

    On some operating systems, the dotfiles are hidden by default. Before starting to upload the files, please make sure your file explorer has the option to view hidden files turned on.
    • After creating a database, Upload what's inside the main_file folder on the web root folder of your domain. This folder is generally called public_html, html, or, but depending on your server's configuration, it might be named differently.

    • Useful resources
    Important Important Make sure that you have .env file in your folder.
    Important Make sure that .htaccess file got copied properly from the download to your server.

    Installation Wizard

  • Go to your website address, then you'll see an installation wizard. To open the installer. Visit

  • Now the installer will show up.The First screen will be Welcome Screen
  • Note : If you are not able to access the website by accessing, but you are able to access it via, this means that you probably don't have Apache mod_rewrite installed and enabled.
    System Requirements
  • After clicking on "Check requirement" button, you will be redirected to System Requirements step during the installation wizard, System Requirements.

  • Directory Permissions
  • After successfully enabling and installing all required PHP extensions, next step is to set the appropriate permissions for some system folders that shows on below picture.

  • For giving permissions please open your terminal window. and type command sudo chmod 777 directory_name for example sudo chmod 777 app
    Useful resources
    Database/Environment Setting
  • You have to fill in your database credentials

  • Exit
  • The last step is exit step.

  • Note : After successful installation reset .env in permission and change to 664.

    Default Login

  • Now You are ready to login with below detail.

  • Admin Login Detail / admin@1232


    It comes with prebuilt integration. Follow these steps to step guide on your web app.

    Mailgun Mailer

  • first complate your login and signup in website.
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    How to get "mailgun domain" ?
  • After Login goto "dashboard" and get your "mailgun domain"
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    How to get "mailgun secret" ?
  • Goto "dashboard" and click "api keys".
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  • then goto "API Security" and get "mailgun secret".
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  • copy "Private Api Key" and get "mailgun secret".
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  • Mailgun Email : The email address associated with your Mailgun account. It represents the sender's address for emails sent through the Mailgun service.
  • Mailgun Domain : The domain configured in your Mailgun account, used to identify the domain from which your emails are sent. This domain is often used in the "From" address of your emails.
  • Mailgun Secret : A secure authentication key or secret token provided by Mailgun. It's used to authenticate your application when sending emails via the Mailgun API.
  • Mailgun Field : This likely refers to an additional parameter or customization option specific to your integration with Mailgun. It could involve settings, options, or metadata used to customize the behavior or content of your emails, such as adding tags, tracking options, or custom headers.

  • Bulkgate SMS

  • first complate your login and signup in website.
  • Note: sign up time "Affiliate ID" is not required. image
  • After login goto "modules & APIs".
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  • Select Your "web app" and click "CREATE API".
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  • Click "created" api module.
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  • Then get your "Bulkgate Token" and "App ID".
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  • Bulkgate Number : The phone number associated with the Bulkgate service. It represents the recipient's phone number for sending SMS messages.
  • Bulkgate Token : An authentication token provided by Bulkgate, used to authorize access to their API. This token allows your application to send SMS messages through the Bulkgate service.
  • Bulkgate App Id : An identifier for your application or integration provided by Bulkgate. It helps identify your usage of their services and might be required for authentication or tracking purposes.
  • Bulkgate Field : This likely refers to an additional parameter or customization specific to your integration with Bulkgate. It could involve settings, options, or metadata used to tailor the behavior or content of your SMS messages, such as delivery options, message templates, or scheduling.

  • Nexmo SMS

  • first complate your login and signup in website.
  • image
  • After login get "Nexmo Key" and "Nexmo Secret".
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  • Nexmo Number : The phone number associated with the Nexmo service. It typically represents the recipient's phone number for sending SMS messages.
  • Nexmo Key : An authentication key provided by Nexmo, used to authenticate your application with their API. This key allows your application to send SMS messages through the Nexmo service.
  • Nexmo Secret : The corresponding secret associated with the provided Nexmo Key. This secret is used as part of the authentication process to verify your identity when interacting with Nexmo's API.
  • Nexmo Field : This appears to refer to a field name within a form. It might be used to indicate which field in a form contains the phone number of the recipient for sending SMS messages. This could be part of your integration to automate sending SMS notifications based on form submissions.

  • Fast2SMS

  • first complate your login and signup in website.
  • image
  • After login goto "Dev API".
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  • Then goto "API Key" and get your "Fast2SMS Api Key".
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  • Fast2SMS Number : The phone number associated with the Fast2SMS service. It typically represents the recipient's phone number for sending SMS messages.
  • Fast2SMS Api Key : An authentication key provided by Fast2SMS, used to authorize access to their API. This key allows your application to send SMS messages through the Fast2SMS service.
  • Fast2SMS Field : This likely refers to an additional parameter or customization specific to your integration with Fast2SMS. It could involve settings, options, or metadata used to customize the behavior or content of your SMS messages, such as message templates, sender IDs, or other features.

  • Vonage SMS

  • first complate your login and signup in website.
  • image
  • After Login goto "API Dashboard".
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  • Get Your "Vonage Key" and "Vonage Secret".
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  • Vonage Number : The phone number associated with the Vonage service. This is typically the recipient's phone number to which you want to send SMS messages.
  • Vonage Key : An authentication key provided by Vonage, used to authenticate your application when interacting with their API. This key allows your application to send SMS messages through the Vonage service.
  • Vonage Secret : The corresponding secret associated with the provided Vonage Key. This secret is used as part of the authentication process to verify your identity when making requests to Vonage's API.
  • Vonage Field : This appears to refer to a field name within a form. It might be used to indicate which field in a form contains the phone number of the recipient for sending SMS messages. This could be part of your integration to automate sending SMS notifications based on form submissions.

  • Twilio SMS

  • First complate your login and signup in website.
  • image
  • After Login get your "Twilio Sid" ,"Twilio Auth Token","Twilio Number".
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  • Twilio Mobile Number : The phone number associated with the Twilio service. This is typically the recipient's phone number for sending SMS messages.
  • Twilio Sid : A unique identifier provided by Twilio, known as the Account SID. It's used to authenticate your application when interacting with Twilio's API. This SID allows your application to send SMS messages through the Twilio service.
  • Twilio Auth Token : An authentication token provided by Twilio. It's paired with the Account SID and used as part of the authentication process to verify your identity when making requests to Twilio's API.
  • Twilio Number : A phone number associated with your Twilio account. This is typically the sender's phone number that will appear as the sender when recipients receive SMS messages.
  • Twilio Field : This appears to refer to a field name within a form. It might be used to indicate which field in a form contains the phone number of the recipient for sending SMS messages. This could be part of your integration to automate sending SMS notifications based on form submissions.

  • Textlocal SMS

  • First complate your login and signup in website.
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  • After Login goto Settings > API Keys.
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  • Click "Create New Key".
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  • Click "Save New Key".
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  • Now You Get "Textlocal Api Key".
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  • Textlocal Number : The phone number associated with the Textlocal service. This is typically the recipient's phone number for sending SMS messages.
  • Textlocal Api Key : An authentication key provided by Textlocal. It's used to authenticate your application when interacting with their API. This key allows your application to send SMS messages through the Textlocal service.
  • Textlocal Field : This appears to refer to a field name within a form. It might be used to indicate which field in a form contains the phone number of the recipient for sending SMS messages. This could be part of your integration to automate sending SMS notifications based on form submissions.

  • Messente SMS

  • First complate your login and signup in website.
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  • Click "Developers".
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  • Goto messaging > "Sender Names" create sender.
  • Create your "Create New API Key".
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  • Enter "project_name" then Click Create and get "Messente Api Username", "Messente Api Password" and "Messente Sender".
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  • Messente Number : The phone number associated with the Messente service. This is typically the recipient's phone number for sending SMS messages.
  • Messente Api Username : An API username provided by Messente. It's used as part of the authentication process to verify your application's identity when interacting with the Messente API.
  • Messente Api Password : The corresponding password or secret associated with the provided API username. This password is used in combination with the API username for authentication purposes.
  • Messente Sender : The sender's name or identifier that appears when recipients receive SMS messages sent through Messente. This is often used to display the sender's name on the recipient's device.
  • Messente Field : This appears to refer to a field name within a form. It might be used to indicate which field in a form contains the phone number of the recipient for sending SMS messages. This could be part of your integration to automate sending SMS notifications based on form submissions.

  • Clicktell SMS

  • First complate your login and signup in website.
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  • After Login "SMS".
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  • Click "New SMS Setup".
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  • Fill Detail Click "Next" button.
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  • Click Your Created App.
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  • Then Get Your "Clicktell Api Key".
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  • Clicktell Number : The phone number associated with the Clickatell service. This is typically the recipient's phone number for sending SMS messages.
  • Clicktell Api Key : An authentication key provided by Clickatell. It's used to authenticate your application when interacting with their API. This key allows your application to send SMS messages through the Clickatell service.
  • Clicktell Field : This appears to refer to a field name within a form. It might be used to indicate which field in a form contains the phone number of the recipient for sending SMS messages. This could be part of your integration to automate sending SMS notifications based on form submissions.

  • Clockwork SMS

  • First complate your login and signup in website.
  • image
  • After Login Goto Account > Account settings.
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  • Goto API & IPs.
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  • Then get your "Clockwork Api Token".
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  • Clockwork Number : The phone number associated with the Clockwork service. It represents the recipient's phone number for sending SMS messages.
  • Clockwork Api Token : An authentication token provided by Clockwork that grants access to their API. This token allows your application to send SMS messages through Clockwork's service.
  • Clockwork Field : This likely refers to a parameter or customization option specific to your integration with the Clockwork service. It could involve additional settings, options, or data relevant to your SMS interactions, such as message formatting or delivery preferences.

  • Smsgateway SMS

  • First complate your login and signup in website.
  • Then login "Web SMS Panel Login" and get your credencial.

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  • Smsgateway Number : The phone number associated with the SMS gateway service. It represents the source or destination number for sending or receiving SMS messages.
  • Smsgateway Api Key : An authentication key or token provided by the SMS gateway service. It's used to authorize access to their API and enables your application to send and receive SMS messages.
  • Smsgateway User Id : A unique identifier assigned by the SMS gateway service to authenticate your user account or application when interacting with their platform.
  • Smsgateway User Password : The corresponding password or secret associated with the provided User ID. It's used as part of the authentication process to verify your identity.
  • Smsgateway Sender Id : An identifier used to indicate the sender of the SMS message. Depending on the SMS gateway's capabilities, this might represent a company name, brand, or a specific number associated with the sender.
  • Smsgateway Field : Refers to an additional parameter or customization relevant to your integration with the SMS gateway service. It might involve specific settings, options, or metadata used to tailor the behavior or content of your SMS messages.

  • Slack

    Sign in to your Slack workspace:
    • Make sure you have the necessary permissions to add integrations to your workspace.
    Create a Slack App (optional):
    • If you haven't already, you can create a new Slack App to organize your integrations. Visit the Slack API website ( and click on "Create an App" to get started. This step is optional but can help keep your integrations organized.
    Add an Incoming Webhook to your Slack App:
    • Go to the "Features" section of your Slack App dashboard.
    • Click on "Incoming Webhooks" and activate the feature.
    • Scroll down and click on the "Add New Webhook to Workspace" button.
    • Select the channel where you want the messages to be sent and click on "Allow."
    Copy the Webhook URL:
    • After adding the webhook to your workspace, you will be provided with a Webhook URL. This is the URL you'll use to send messages to your chosen Slack channel.
    Configure the Webhook (optional):
    • If you want, you can customize the name, icon, and other settings for your incoming webhook to make it look more distinct in the Slack channel.
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  • Slack Webhook URL : A unique URL that serves as an endpoint for sending messages and data from external applications to specific channels in Slack. It enables automated notifications and integrations between your app and Slack.
  • Slack Field : This likely refers to a parameter or customization option specific to your integration with Slack. It could involve additional settings, metadata, or data relevant to your interaction with Slack's API or platform.

  • Telegram

  • First Login Telegram Web In Your Mobile Device.
  • Then Please Follow These Video Link: Click Here.
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  • Telegram Access Token : A unique key granting access to Telegram's Bot API, allowing your application to interact with Telegram servers and perform actions as a bot.
  • Telegram Chat Id : A unique identifier assigned to each chat or conversation on Telegram, enabling targeted message delivery to specific users, groups, or channels.
  • Telegram Field : Refers to a potentially customizable parameter or configuration relevant to your Telegram integration, allowing you to tailor bot behavior or interaction based on your specific requirements.

  • Sendgrid Mailer

    Sign Up for a SendGrid Account:
    • Go to the SendGrid website ( and click on "Sign Up" to create a new account.
    • Follow the registration process and complete the necessary steps to verify your account.
    Create a SendGrid API Key:
    • After logging in to your SendGrid account, navigate to the "Settings" > "API Keys" section.
    • Click on the "Create API Key" button.
    • Provide a name for the API key and choose the appropriate permissions. For mail functionality, you typically need "Mail Send" permissions.
    • Click on "Create & View" to generate the API key.
    Copy the API Key:
    • Once the API key is generated, it will be displayed on the screen. Copy the API key to your clipboard or store it in a safe place, as you won't be able to see it again.
    • get your credencial.
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  • SendGrid Email : This is the email address associated with your SendGrid account or the sender's email address that you want to use for sending emails through SendGrid's infrastructure.
  • SendGrid Host : The SMTP server hostname/address for SendGrid's outgoing mail server. It is used to direct your SMTP mailer to the correct server when sending emails.
  • SendGrid Port : The port number that your SMTP mailer will use to connect to SendGrid's server. SendGrid supports various ports, such as 25, 587, and 465, depending on your encryption preferences.
  • SendGrid Username : Your SendGrid account's username or API key. This is used for authentication when your SMTP mailer communicates with SendGrid to send emails.
  • SendGrid Password : The corresponding password or API key secret associated with the provided username. It's used as part of the authentication process to verify your SMTP mailer's identity.
  • SendGrid Encryption : The encryption method used for securing the communication between your SMTP mailer and SendGrid's server. This ensures that data, including login credentials, remains confidential during transmission. Common options are "TLS" and "SSL".
  • SendGrid From Address : The email address that will appear in the "From" field of the emails sent through SendGrid. It's the address recipients will see as the sender of the email.
  • SendGrid From Name : The name associated with the "From" email address. This provides a recognizable sender name that recipients will see alongside the sender's email address.
  • SendGrid Field : This field is not explicitly described, but it could potentially refer to an additional configuration setting specific to your use case or application when integrating with SendGrid. This could be used for customizing email headers, adding extra metadata, or any other specialized functionality.

  • Telescope

    Purpose of Laravel Telescope:
    • Laravel Telescope is a powerful debugging and introspection tool for Laravel applications. It provides a comprehensive dashboard for monitoring and debugging, offering insights into requests, exceptions, database queries, and more.
    Views of telescope dashboard:
    • Your telescope show in System Analytics menu.
    • Some layouts of telescope.
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    Before making an update, always remember to do a complete backup of your website.
    If you've made any modifications to the language string, your changes will be lost. you can find your old edited language file on resources/lang. but that will be lost as new version have new language file. so take backup that files for reference of new version that you need to manually again.
    If you've made any modifications to the software's files, your changes will be lost.
    For Upgrade version, you need to do it your self. And we are not responsible if you lost data.

    1. Make a backup of the .env config file and .htaccess located on your server.
    2. Upload and replace all the files on your server with what's inside the main_file folder.
    3. Restore your .env config file and .htaccess on your server.
    4. Do login and follow the update wizard.


    Please ensure that you have mod_rewrite enabled on your server.
    This generally happens when one of the server requirements is not met, please ensure your server meets the software's requirements.
    Please try to by press f5 or clear your browser cache or try on another browser.

    Please add this to your your .htaccess file configuration

    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]

    Our theme files in resources/views, assets in public/assets folder. You can edit them.


    If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, So, Please send us Email via Item Support Page

    Note: While we aim to provide the best support possible, please keep in mind that it only extends to verified buyers and only to issues related to our template like bugs and errors. Custom modifications or third party module implementations are not included.
    Please Add your Review (Opinion) for Our template. It would be a great support for us.
    Go to your CodeCanyon Profile > Downloads Tab > & then You can Rate & Review for our script.
    Thank You.